Saturday, December 6, 2008

Nick in Hospital

We never thought Nick would make it this far. He has more lives then a cat, that's for sure. This is the 9th day that he has been in neuro-icu and progress is slow but it is coming. We are so thankful that we have another chance, and Nick could just possibly be our best Christmas present. As of last night, nick is off the deep sleeping medications and still on pain meds. They have zeroed in on antibiotic that are sensitive to his infection. I think that keeping the pressure in his brain to a minimum is a challange but things are much more stable. Anthing can make that pressure change...including the tramma of waking that is watched closely. As a family, we continue to attend his bedside. This adversity has pulled us all together. We are more forgiving, patient and loving. We appreciate more that there is no value you can place on family...they are our everything. Extended family and many good friends have offered their prayers and other support, and although not much can be done, they have strenghtened us......One friend sent some beautiful flowers, and although no flowers are allowed in icu, we have so enjoyed them setting on our counter as a reminder of all who truely care. We love you all and feel the strength infriends so dear to us....we'll keep in touch......Julie

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